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■How To Make Tortilla


I know it's only three ingredients. It's super simple but it's about getting those three ingredients really right. Over the years I've been able to cook thousands of Spanish omelettes. This is the one that I found and it tastes the best.

・ingredient 材料
・over the years 長年にわたって
・omelette オムレツ



We need a really hot pan as hot as you can get it. We're going to start pouring the extra virgin olive oil. Be very generous please remember it's an oil that you will reuse again and again.  Half a litre of oil approximately.

・pan 鍋、フライパン
・pour 注ぐ
・generous 太っ腹に、寛大に
・reuse 再利用する
・again and again 何度も何度も


While the oil heats up I'm gonna thinly slice an onion and I'm going to add it in to the oil. The only ingredient that can give the sweetness to the omelette is the onion.  I put the onion first because it if you do it as a second ingredient after the potato. He won't caramelize, he will become translucent but that's not the flavour that I'm looking for. Straight in.

・heat up 熱くなる
・thinly 薄く
・slice スライスする
・caramelize キャラメルになる
・translucent 半透明の


Second ingredient the potatoes, nice waxy ones, Desiree, Charlotte these potatoes hold the shape better. Three millimetres approximately not thinner, not thicker the right thickness so that they don't cook too slowly. Neither they fry too quick. Okay add it in, sort of like three potatoes. Every ingredient has sugars. And a Spanish Omelette even though that you add salt to it, it has to feel sweet.

・waxy 柔軟な
・thick 厚い、太い
・fry 揚げる、炒める


Starting to get golden and the potatoes are still completely raw so I'm going to leave these for 10/15 minutes until the caramelize properly and they release all of those sweet flavours that will get in to the egg later. So i've stir this potato sort of like two/three times they are nearly there.

・raw 生の
・stir かき混ぜる


While this finishes, I'm just going to break six eggs. It may look like a lot of eggs and a lot of potatos. But this only is going to serve 4-6 people. So this potato is now ready and you can see just by breaking through it. Put the potatoes on top, drain the potatoes with the oil. Take a look at the onion. How wonderful, how caramelized, the potatoes nicely fried and now. These potatoes are the ones which I'm going to season with a bit of sea salt. Not whisking the egg,

・drain 水気を切る
・season 風味付けする
・whisk 泡立てる


Give it a little mix. This has become quite warm and I just want the potato to soak a bit of the eggs. And all linger together. If you cook it too quickly, it won't taste the same. And it may look like it's quite runny but after 15-20 minutes you'll see that it won't be. So i'm just going to cover it with aluminium foil and let it rest for 15 minutes

・soak 浸す
・runny 水っぽい


I have a non-stick pan and all the tortilla mix goes inside then just we are just gonna leave it on high heat for about a minute and then lower it down for about two minutes. We'll flip it and do exactly the same.

・high heat 強火
・lower 下げる
・flip ひっくり返す



・toothpick 爪楊枝
・handle 取っ手
・go with~ ~とよく合う

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