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No wonder woman sequel unless Brett Ratner out”で英語学習をしていきましょう。


Wonder Woman star Gal Godot has reportedly refused to sign on for a sequel unless accused sexual harasser Brett Ratner is removed from the franchise.

refuse – 断る
sequel – 続編
accuse – 責める、告発する


Ratner, who has been accused of sexual harassment by six women in recent days, helped finance the summer blockbuster, and took home a sizable stake of the $412million box office gross.

blockbuster – 大ヒット作
sizeable – たくさんの、かなり大きな
box office gross – 興行収入

Ratner's production company Rat-Pac Dune co-financed the hit movie in an agreement with Warner Bros., and now Godot is insisting that the studio buy out his stake, Page Six reports.

agreement – 同意
insist – 主張する
buy out – 買収する

ラトナーのプロダクション会社Rat-Pac Duneはワーナーブラザーズとの同意のもと、ヒット映画に金銭的支援をしており、報道によると、ガドットはスタジオが彼の利権を買収するべきだと主張しているそうだ。



'She's tough and stands by her principles. She also knows the best way to hit people like Brett Ratner is in the wallet,' a Warner Bros. insider told the outlet.

tough – タフ
principle – 原則
insider – (内部)関係者、情報通

'She also knows that Warner Bros. has to side with her on this issue as it develops. They can't have a movie rooted in women's empowerment being part-financed by a man ­accused of sexual misconduct against women,' the insider continued. 


side with – ~に味方する
issue – 問題
misconduct – 悪事

'Brett made a lot of money from the success of 'Wonder Woman,' thanks to his company having helped finance the first movie,' the source said.
'Now Gadot is saying she won't sign for the sequel unless Warner Bros. buys Brett out [of his financing deal] and gets rid of him,' the insider said.

make money – お金を得る
sign – サインする
unless – ~しない限り

Ratner, through his attorney, has vehemently denied the allegations against him, but that made little difference to the Israeli-born Godot, according to the source. 
A Warner Bros. rep told Page Six the story was 'false' without elaborating, and reps for Godot and Ratner did not comment.
Ratner, the high-profile director of the Rush Hour series and X-Men: The Last Stand, is the latest in a slew of Hollywood heavy hitters to become ensnared in sexual misconduct allegations.

attorney – 弁護士
deny – 否定する
allegation – 申し立て、首長
according to – ~によると
rep – 担当者
elaborate – 詳しく説明する




